Subject Verb Agreement Practice 1 Answers

Subject-verb agreement is an essential aspect of proper grammar. When writing a sentence, it is crucial to ensure that the subject and verb agree in number. In other words, if the subject is singular, the verb should also be in the singular form, and if the subject is plural, the verb should be in the plural form.

To help you practice subject-verb agreement, we have put together some answers to the practice exercises provided below.

Practice Exercise 1:

1. The group of friends is planning a trip to Europe. (singular)

2. The athletes on the team are practicing hard for the upcoming game. (plural)

3. The dog barks loudly at the mailman every morning. (singular)

4. The boys in the class are studying for their exams. (plural)

5. The company`s profits are increasing every year. (plural)

6. The movie that we saw last night was very suspenseful. (singular)

7. The children in the park play on the swings and slides. (plural)

8. The news about the storm is alarming to residents in the area. (singular)

9. The staff at the hospital is working around the clock to provide care. (singular)

10. The books on the shelf belong to the library. (plural)

As you can see, each sentence has a subject and a verb in agreement. If you are unsure about the subject-verb agreement, here are a few tips to keep in mind:

1. Identify the subject of the sentence and determine if it is singular or plural.

2. Choose the correct verb form to match the subject.

3. Be aware of collective nouns such as group, team, and company; they can be singular or plural depending on the context.

4. Watch out for indefinite pronouns such as everyone, somebody, and nobody; they are always singular.

By practicing these concepts and keeping these tips in mind, you will become more skilled at subject-verb agreement and improve your writing overall.

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